
10 Games for Halloween

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011 , Posted by admin at 20:40

10 Games for Halloween

10 Games for Halloween

It seems as though Halloween is catching on in Australia. It's taken long enough: anyone would think that a day spent eating candy, pulling pranks and drinking booze would have grooved itself into the Australian holiday calender long ago, nestled in nicely between other pointless holidays such as Labor Day, Queens Birthday and Melbourne Cup (yaha, we have a day off for a sports event).
Actually, no. Scratch that. We are Australian. The more holidays, the better. And a themed day at that? Count me in! Where's my zombie blood-theme cider?

Not especially keen on the celebrations? Still greet young Aussie Trick or Treat-ers with confusion and contempt? Well, there are other ways you can celebrate this eerie day.

Close the blinds, take the phone off the hook and buckle in: its time to play some scary videogames!

Dead Space.
Dead Space.
Dead Space brings back the survival horror genre from the dead. With Dead Space we get a terrifying title that is thoroughly enjoyable and deep. You’ll get anywhere between 9-12 hours from the single-player, but you’ll want to play through it again on higher difficulties. Dead Space is a scary, intense, edge-of-your-seat game that surprises you, scares you and throws everything including the kitchen sink at you.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

What can one really say about a title like this? Quite simply, everything in Amnesia: The Dark Descent just falls into place nicely. The atmosphere built here is unrivaled in any other game around and makes for a genuinely frightening experience. Even those who aren't huge on the horror genre will be able to appreciate the effort that went into making this game so impeccable.

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (requires Red Dead Redemption)

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (requires Red Dead Redemption)

Considering its price, Undead Nightmare is easily one of the best value-for-money pieces of DLC available for any platform. You’re getting at least six hours of playtime here in a very inviting world. With new weapons, plenty of zombies to blow away, two new multiplayer modes and the brilliant storytelling techniques we all expect from Rockstar, Undead Nightmare is a must have for anyone wanting to return to the Wild West

Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Just as accessible as the first with just as much focus on team play. More weapons, more blood, more gore and a better overall presentation make Left 4 Dead 2 a better game than the first. While the core experience is still essentially the same, it really does feel like there’s a better flow this time round, with better ammo and weapon placement, as well as more zombies and a better setting.

Siren: Blood Curse

Siren: Blood Curse

Siren: Blood Curse has incredibly haunting ambiance, an engrossing plot and characters, wickedly imaginable monsters and an abundance of unique gameplay concepts all at a bargain price. No one can argue the value factor. No game is perfect, but as far as the horror genre goes, Siren Blood Curse is as close to filmic horror as it gets.



Condemned has everything a great horror game should have. Its got spooky sound effects, chilling graphics and a storyline that’s worthy of Hollywood. Despite the repetitive levels, Condemned definitely has its fair share of scary moments. The combat system is realistic and the enemies are truly horrifying.

Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 2 isn’t without its problems. It needed another layer of polish, character movement is stiff and the bosses are a disgrace. However, it’s still awesome fun and something nearly everyone will enjoy. Most of the issues become negligible if you limit your play times by keeping them to fun-sized sessions. It’s an improvement on the first game and the new weapon combo system is like a kid in a candy store for any anti-zombie gamer. In a genre that’s all about guns and limited resources, injecting humour and outrageous weapons is a stroke of genius and why everyone needs to experience Dead Rising 2.

Alan Wake
Alan Wake

Alan Wake does a fantastic job of bridging the gap between games and film, with a story that is executed so perfectly, with plenty of twists and turns and edge-of-your-seat moments. The environments are so tense and frightening that you’ll be playing through the game with one eye shut. Alan Wake is narrative-driven gaming at its absolute finest, offering gamers a look into the human condition and the definitive differences between light and dark.



Limbo is simply a masterpiece, leaving the story and the mysterious ending up for interpretation. A hefty price tag, minimal replay value and short story line really doesn't measure up to the kick-arsery that PlayDead Studios has delivered with Limbo. It shouldn't be missed.

Scream Fortress 2

Scream Fortress 2

The newly-released update for Team Fortress 2 celebrates Halloween in style, with developer Valve promising an "enormous haunted eyeball" as well as fresh 'chievos and costumes for each class. Can you think of a better reason to return to the free-to-play Team Fortress 2?

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