AirMech Preview
sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011
, Posted by admin at 1:40
AirMech Preview
A console classic is brought back to life thanks to Carbon Games.
AirMech Preview
If you're familiar with the classic Sega Genesis title Herzog Zwei -- a game that our sister site considers one of the "Essential 50" classic games ever made -- you'll have an excellent understanding of what Carbon Games' AirMech is all about. Comprised of the core team that created Fat Princess for the PlayStation Network, AirMech is the developer's first independent title that pays homage to the console classic strategy game, as well as establishing this group of designers as a solid indie game maker. Instead of controlling a lot of units on the battlefield, each player can only take control of a single unit: the AirMech which can freely transform between flight and mech modes. In flight-mode the player can pick and up move units around on the battlefled like tanks, turrets, or troops across the battleground. These units can also be given commands like attack or guard. While in flight-mode, the player can also attack other air-based units, but not ground units. That's for the mech-mode which acts as a support class, attacking other enemy ground units and protecting other units on the team.
XP can also be earned throughout the battle and used to purchase better units and mechs between matches. You can also purchase different playable characters that have their own special traits, like faster unit movement or better armor as two general examples.
Right now the game is in an alpha state so the A.I. is rudimentary, not presenting much of a challenge for single-players. However, the real meat of the game is in multiplayer and if you can get a couple of friends to play along, you'll get a great idea for how much promise this game has. If you're interested, you should check out Carbon Games' official AirMech website and sign up to help them test the alpha build of the game.
Video// Youtube
Article,photographs and video taken entirely from the web