Beaky the Robo-Bird picks our "Top Tech Turkeys of 2011"
sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011
, Posted by admin at 13:33
Beaky the Robo-Bird picks our "Top Tech Turkeys of 2011"

Sure, every US-based tech site worth its salt is running a "Tech Turkeys"
list this week,
but only Ars Technica brings you one hosted by a Robotic Turkey o'
Death whom we
affectionately call "Beaky." (Need an extra reason to give thanks?
Be grateful that the
staff collectively talked editor-in-chief Ken Fisher out of making Beaky
into an eel for "historical accuracy.")
list this week,
but only Ars Technica brings you one hosted by a Robotic Turkey o'
Death whom we
affectionately call "Beaky." (Need an extra reason to give thanks?
Be grateful that the
staff collectively talked editor-in-chief Ken Fisher out of making Beaky
into an eel for "historical accuracy.")
And wow—did Beaky ever have fodder for this year's list; 2011 was stuffed like
a turducken with poor technology decisions. When he found some down time
between his overthrow-the-world strategy sessions and his get-grain-into-
chow marathons, Beaky pecked out these incidents as the lowest of tech's
low points in 2011. So far.
a turducken with poor technology decisions. When he found some down time
between his overthrow-the-world strategy sessions and his get-grain-into-
chow marathons, Beaky pecked out these incidents as the lowest of tech's
low points in 2011. So far.
Research in Motion

Oh, RIM. Where do we begin? The company started off the year getting
everyone riled up about the BlackBerry PlayBook, only to launch it with
choppy performance, without a good app store, and without a native
e-mail client (unless you already had a BlackBerry phone).
This effectively restricted its use to BlackBerry customers,
a species that will soon be extinct if they aren't already being bred
in captivity somewhere.
everyone riled up about the BlackBerry PlayBook, only to launch it with
choppy performance, without a good app store, and without a native
e-mail client (unless you already had a BlackBerry phone).
This effectively restricted its use to BlackBerry customers,
a species that will soon be extinct if they aren't already being bred
in captivity somewhere.
RIM followed this up with a three-day service outage. Browsers, messaging apps,
and e-mail ceased to work on BlackBerry handsets. A month later, the company is
still determining the real cause of the outage, with a "SWAT team"
investigating the event.
(We expect that it looks like a room full of Maxwell Smarts.) In the meantime,
it lacks a credible response to the iOS/Android juggernauts.
and e-mail ceased to work on BlackBerry handsets. A month later, the company is
still determining the real cause of the outage, with a "SWAT team"
investigating the event.
(We expect that it looks like a room full of Maxwell Smarts.) In the meantime,
it lacks a credible response to the iOS/Android juggernauts.
At this point, RIM is like the deadbeat dad who shows up two months
after your 17th birthday and presents you with a stuffed animal in a gift bag.
Too little, too tone-deaf, too late.
after your 17th birthday and presents you with a stuffed animal in a gift bag.
Too little, too tone-deaf, too late.
Duke Nukem Forever

If not for the crazy development cycle, the closing of a
once-legendary developer,
and the absolutely hideous state of the game when it was released,
Duke Nukem Forever might not have been considered such a turd.
But, until time machines arrive to fix the many problems of the past,
we have to live with reality. The title that was actually delivered
played like something knocked out back in 2001 by people who had
just started creating games over the weekend, and it was then stuck
in a time capsule for a decade.
With the play experience so poor, the only interesting part
of Duke Nukem Forever is the backstory. The game remains a sad,
depressing monument to mediocrity—and to feces-flinging.
of Duke Nukem Forever is the backstory. The game remains a sad,
depressing monument to mediocrity—and to feces-flinging.

Who doesn't want their favorite mega-corp tracking their every move
without express permission? The poo hit the fan earlier this year when
researchers exposed the extent to which Apple logged users' locations
on their devices and how the behavior would not stop when the phone's
location services were turned off.
without express permission? The poo hit the fan earlier this year when
researchers exposed the extent to which Apple logged users' locations
on their devices and how the behavior would not stop when the phone's
location services were turned off.
But that's not all! It eventually came out that Android phones stored the
same type of location data and Microsoft was no saint either.
The situation sparked a Congressional hearing wherein Senator
Al Franken (D-MN) demanded answers from Apple and Google
about their privacy policies. Eventually Apple did patch its "bug"
that allowed a location-based log to exist after the user turned
off location services, but the term "Locationgate" will linger—a
t least until the next time a company like Apple or Google makes
a huge user privacy gaffe.
same type of location data and Microsoft was no saint either.
The situation sparked a Congressional hearing wherein Senator
Al Franken (D-MN) demanded answers from Apple and Google
about their privacy policies. Eventually Apple did patch its "bug"
that allowed a location-based log to exist after the user turned
off location services, but the term "Locationgate" will linger—a
t least until the next time a company like Apple or Google makes
a huge user privacy gaffe.

Last September, apparently determined to wipe HP free of every
trace of former CEO Mark Hurd—including its leading position
in PC sales—Hewlett-Packard's board brought in the recently-
ejected SAP boss
Leo Apotheker without so much as an interview. After all, he had done
wonders at the software giant, delivering two years of solid profit declines—
what did they really need to ask?
Apotheker arrived, looked around, and decided that HP needed to
be more like IBM. So he immediately spiked the phone and tablet business
before HP eve got serious about it, announcing that the company would kill
the HP TouchPad less than two months after it was launched and then
get out of the PC business.
be more like IBM. So he immediately spiked the phone and tablet business
before HP eve got serious about it, announcing that the company would kill
the HP TouchPad less than two months after it was launched and then
get out of the PC business.
(Ironically, the TouchPad fire sale that followed made the tablet
number two behind the iPad in tablet sales.)
number two behind the iPad in tablet sales.)
In a flash of inspiration brought on by a more than 50 percent drop in
the company's stock price, the board showed Apotheker the door just
11 months after they brought him in, then hired former eBay CEO
and failed California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman to clean up
his mess. But she didn't arrive in time to prevent the Apothekerlypse:
on Monday, HP reported a 91 percent drop in its fourth quarter earnings
compared to last year. That was due in large part to taking a $788 million
charge for shutting down TouchPad and the rest of Palm, which HP had
purchased for over $1.2 billion. Talk about a return on investment!
the company's stock price, the board showed Apotheker the door just
11 months after they brought him in, then hired former eBay CEO
and failed California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman to clean up
his mess. But she didn't arrive in time to prevent the Apothekerlypse:
on Monday, HP reported a 91 percent drop in its fourth quarter earnings
compared to last year. That was due in large part to taking a $788 million
charge for shutting down TouchPad and the rest of Palm, which HP had
purchased for over $1.2 billion. Talk about a return on investment!
Netflix and (ugh) Qwikster

In 2010, Netflix was flying so high it forced longtime rival Blockbuster into bankruptcy.
In 2011, Netflix nearly committed corporate suicide and may spend all of 2012
digging itself out of a hole.
In 2011, Netflix nearly committed corporate suicide and may spend all of 2012
digging itself out of a hole.
It all started in July when Netflix raised monthly subscription prices by 60 percent
for customers who wanted both streaming and discs. The new Netflix pricing
scheme wasn't necessarily that outrageous, but it set off a wave of complaints
and CEO Reed Hastings acknowledged that he had "slid into arrogance
based upon past success." But his solution—splitting discs and streaming into
entirely different businesses requiring customers to be billed twice and use two
separate websites—only made customer complaints worse. Within three weeks,
Hastings reversed himself, killing off the "new" DVD-by-mail service—
you remember Qwikster?—before it could launch. Pretty soon,
Netflix was reporting 800,000 lost subscribers and saying it may be
unprofitable for all or most of 2012.
for customers who wanted both streaming and discs. The new Netflix pricing
scheme wasn't necessarily that outrageous, but it set off a wave of complaints
and CEO Reed Hastings acknowledged that he had "slid into arrogance
based upon past success." But his solution—splitting discs and streaming into
entirely different businesses requiring customers to be billed twice and use two
separate websites—only made customer complaints worse. Within three weeks,
Hastings reversed himself, killing off the "new" DVD-by-mail service—
you remember Qwikster?—before it could launch. Pretty soon,
Netflix was reporting 800,000 lost subscribers and saying it may be
unprofitable for all or most of 2012.
Just this week, Netflix stock took another beating when Wall Street saw the
company's decision to raise $400 million from investors as a desperate move.
According to the Los Angeles Times, Netflix has lost 75 percent of its market
value, or $12 billion, since that fateful decision to charge subscribers a few
extra bucks a month. The Netflix service is still a pretty good one,
but from a business perspective 2011 was a disaster.
company's decision to raise $400 million from investors as a desperate move.
According to the Los Angeles Times, Netflix has lost 75 percent of its market
value, or $12 billion, since that fateful decision to charge subscribers a few
extra bucks a month. The Netflix service is still a pretty good one,
but from a business perspective 2011 was a disaster.
RSA breached

It's a safe bet that RSA Security chairman Art Coviello hates Adobe Flash.
That's because one embedded Flash file cost RSA millions, forcing the company to
replace 40 million SecurID login tokens. In March, Coviello disclosed that RSA
had been targeted in what he called an "extremely sophisticated" attack that
exposed information about the company's SecurID authentication tokens,
including the algorithms used to create the tokens and the seed values for each
customer's account. That exposed the VPNs of a number of government agencies,
defense contractors, and other high-profile customers, though Coviello insisted
last month that the data was only used in one unsuccessful attack on a customer
(which was likely Lockheed Martin).
And what sort of "advanced persistent threat" was used to allow hackers to break
into RSA's highly-secure corporate network? According to RSA, it was
one e-mail, pulled from a junk folder by an RSA employee, containing
a file called "2011 Recruitment plan.xls."(Whether the employee
involved remains at RSA hasn't been revealed.) Gobble, gobble!
into RSA's highly-secure corporate network? According to RSA, it was
one e-mail, pulled from a junk folder by an RSA employee, containing
a file called "2011 Recruitment plan.xls."(Whether the employee
involved remains at RSA hasn't been revealed.) Gobble, gobble!
Internet censorship
Huge box office receipts? Check. Higher-than-average salaries?
Check. Better growth than the economy as a whole? Check.
The copyright industries are doing pretty well, global recession
considered, but that hasn't stopped the usual suspects from going
to Congress and demanding a full-on Internet crackdown.
The Senate's PROTECT IP Act was bad enough, what with its
demands that US DNS providers start blacklisting "rogue sites."
(Also, there's the whole matter of its quite possible unconstitutionality.)
But the new Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House brings
a whole new kind of crazy to the debate. Beaky might be a bird brain,
but even he knows that trying to censor foreign websites, shut down
their credit cards and advertising, and force search engine
to "disappear" their results is an absurd overreaction to online
piracy and counterfeiting.
demands that US DNS providers start blacklisting "rogue sites."
(Also, there's the whole matter of its quite possible unconstitutionality.)
But the new Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House brings
a whole new kind of crazy to the debate. Beaky might be a bird brain,
but even he knows that trying to censor foreign websites, shut down
their credit cards and advertising, and force search engine
to "disappear" their results is an absurd overreaction to online
piracy and counterfeiting.
Between the new proposals and the existing US scheme to seize foreign .com
domain names (even for sites that are legal in their own country),
it's hard to see a positive ending for the country. But it's easy to see
a future in which the world simply refuses to accept the current US leverage
over ICANN and in which US registrars, ad networks, payment processors,
and search engines are increasingly avoided by the rest of the globe.
Assuming that whole scheme even manages to curtail piracy,
this is a battle only Pyrrhus of Epirus could love..
domain names (even for sites that are legal in their own country),
it's hard to see a positive ending for the country. But it's easy to see
a future in which the world simply refuses to accept the current US leverage
over ICANN and in which US registrars, ad networks, payment processors,
and search engines are increasingly avoided by the rest of the globe.
Assuming that whole scheme even manages to curtail piracy,
this is a battle only Pyrrhus of Epirus could love..
Bottom line: when a pro-enforcement measure
loses the support of the Business Software Alliance and the
Church of Sweden, you know it's a specially wretched piece of work.
loses the support of the Business Software Alliance and the
Church of Sweden, you know it's a specially wretched piece of work.
Sony hacked
When hackers invaded, Sony took the PlayStation Network down for
72 hours before writing a statement saying that the company had suffered
an "external intrusion." Everyone was concerned about the integrity of
the personal data Sony had on file for its members, and they had a right to be:
Sony later admitted that hackers had broken into the system and
stolen an extensive amount of personal data from its users.
The system stayed offline for 23 days as Sony scrambled to
tighten its security. The outage cost Sony dearly, and it wasn't
great for the companies that count on the PlayStation Network
to sell their games, either.
tighten its security. The outage cost Sony dearly, and it wasn't
great for the companies that count on the PlayStation Network
to sell their games, either.
Renewable energy
Inefficient energy use costs all of us money. Our continued reliance
on fossil fuels creates massive externalities that harm our health,
cost us billions a year, and cause no end of national security headaches.
Our electric grid is in desperate need of modernization. And what are we,
collectively, doing about it? Still arguing over whether temperatures
have actually risen, inventing conspiracy theories about science
that sound like something from a Red Scare, and hyperventilating
about out of context quotes from a stash of stolen e-mails.
It didn't have to be this way. Despite subsidies for fossil fuels that, by
most estimates, dwarf those given to renewables, carbon emissions
were plunging faster than the economy a few years back. Since then,
the cost of renewables has continued to drop and well-sited solar and
wind facilities are either at grid parity prices or will be before the decade ends.
Sadly, instead of acting on this reality and putting renewable energy to work
where it's most efficient, we're twiddling our thumbs as
New Jersey becomes a solar powerhouse and the nation as a whole starts
burning more fossil fuels. The turkey, in this case, is us.
most estimates, dwarf those given to renewables, carbon emissions
were plunging faster than the economy a few years back. Since then,
the cost of renewables has continued to drop and well-sited solar and
wind facilities are either at grid parity prices or will be before the decade ends.
Sadly, instead of acting on this reality and putting renewable energy to work
where it's most efficient, we're twiddling our thumbs as
New Jersey becomes a solar powerhouse and the nation as a whole starts
burning more fossil fuels. The turkey, in this case, is us.
Windows 7 tablets
Acer's Iconia: All the tactile feedback and precision of a tablet, all the weight of a 14" laptop.
A little over a year ago, we talked to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer
and asked him, as so many others have done, about tablets.
and asked him, as so many others have done, about tablets.
Ars Technica: How long am I gonna have to wait to get a
tablet that when I'm on-the-go has a nice touch- and finger-friendly interface, and when I sit down at my desk, I can add a keyboard and mouse and get a nice, full Windows experience. When is that going to come?
Steve Ballmer: I won't give you an answer, because it will all depend on what you want, and we're going to have various things coming at various times coming over the next months and years, and I think you will see things that you will fall [in love with]—I know I'm seeing things that I'll fall in love with, and I know there will be more things that I desire.
Ars Technica: But there's definitely going to be something that I will fall in love with?
Steve Ballmer: Hope so, hope so, hope so. If we sit at PDC11 and there's nothing that we've shown or talked about or shipped that you love, I'll feel bad.
We're still waiting.
Next year's prospects certainly look much better. Both Windows Phone
and the early Windows 8 developer preview have shown that Microsoft
can produce an effective, enjoyable touch interface, and we think that the
company's fusion of tablet and PC could work this time around. Intel's
Ultrabook initiative should also help produce a range of desirable laptops and tablets.
and the early Windows 8 developer preview have shown that Microsoft
can produce an effective, enjoyable touch interface, and we think that the
company's fusion of tablet and PC could work this time around. Intel's
Ultrabook initiative should also help produce a range of desirable laptops and tablets.
But these things are all coming in 2012. Throughout 2011,
PC OEMs have tried to come up with a compelling and convincing
Windows 7 tablet; machines to fall in love with have been conspicuous
by their absence. This doesn't surprise us—the problem was always a
software one rather than a hardware one—but it's nonetheless painful.
Another year has been lost by Microsoft, entirely given up to the
iPad 2 and a gaggle of mediocre Android devices.
PC OEMs have tried to come up with a compelling and convincing
Windows 7 tablet; machines to fall in love with have been conspicuous
by their absence. This doesn't surprise us—the problem was always a
software one rather than a hardware one—but it's nonetheless painful.
Another year has been lost by Microsoft, entirely given up to the
iPad 2 and a gaggle of mediocre Android devices.
Article,photographs and video taken entirely from the web